Our Mission
Our mission at Mind Over Matter kids is to provide comprehensive & reflective practices to help parents, teachers & students. believING that every person should be supported & encouraged to reach their full potential no matter what.

“35% of parents have serious concerns about their ability to cope with their child’s learning issues. These parents feel isolated, guilty, stressed and worried about their children’s future.”

KY has the lowest percentage of students identified for SLD nationwide and has dropped more than 20% over the past 10 years. The national average is 38.8% of students having SLD. Students who have dyslexia fall under the category of SLD.
of students who are gifted may also meet the criteria for twice-exceptionality oftentimes with a learning disability.
of students who have a reading disability also have ADHD

“88% of teachers felt their education did not prepare them to work with students with dyslexia.”